Lichfield has two train stations. Lichfield City railway station is the most centrally located but many trains use Lichfield Trent Valley station north of the city centre. Both stations have trains to Birmingham but you need to go to Lichfield Trent Valley station for trains to Tamworth, Stafford and Stoke-on-Trent.
Lichfield City railway station is just a short walk south of the town centre and is on the Cross City line with four trains per day to Birmingham half of these continuing onward to either Bromsgrove or Redditch. There are also two trains per hour to Lichfield’s other railway station, Lichfield Trent Valley, where you can connect with train services on the West Coast Main Line.
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![Lichfield City railway station in Lichfield, Staffordshire (Photo: Elliott Brown [CC BY-SA 2.0])](
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